Friday, August 23, 2024

Morning Manna by Rufus Parker - 2024 August 23


“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)

Today’s Morsel:  At one time, the U.S. military was built based on draftees and a few volunteers. In 1973 it went to an all-volunteer force, ending the long period of conscription. Many men and women proved that they were available and were willing to serve their country.  One of the things that we see in scripture is that God never asks about our ability or inability, just our availability. Each time someone God called tried to give Him an excuse as to why they could not do what He was asking them to do, God just told them that He would be with them. He knew that they did not possess the ability to do what He wanted them to do. He just needed them to be available to represent Him. Does your pastor or employer know that you are available to do what they may ask of you? We never see that Joshua asked to be the next leader of Israel after Moses. He just showed himself available and God elevated him to leadership.  The same we see with the apostle Paul. From the time of his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, once he found out who Jesus was, his next question was, Lord, what He would have him to do. He showed that he was available, and Jesus used him mightily in ministry. Both Joshua and Paul became great leaders for Jesus, and you can too if you show yourself available.  

Sing: Here I am Lord, here I am. I give all myself to You, here I am. Here I am Lord, here I am. Let your spirit move through me, here I am.

Thought For Today: Are you available?

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