Thursday, November 23, 2023

Morning Manna by Rufus Parker - 2023 November 23

Happy Thanksgiving


“For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.” 

(1 Timothy 4:4-5)


Today’s Morsel:  Around the world today, many will celebrate Thanksgiving. This tradition has continued for years. And if the Lord should tarry, it will continue for many more years to come. Thanksgiving or the giving of thanks, should be a habit for everyone.  If we were to consider what others do for us, it would blow folks’ minds. Think about these things for a moment:

-       The doctors and nurses that come to work and try to help you when don’t feel good. Do you thank them for the care they give you?  Do you thank God for them? Or do you complain about them?

-       The mechanic that repairs your vehicle. Do you thank them?  Do you thank God that he knows how to fix your car? Or do you complain about the cost?

-       What about the airline pilots and stewards that helps you on your flight. Do you say thanks as you exit the plane.  Do you thank God for them? Or do you complain that the seats were cramped, and the people were rude. 

-       The cashier at Walmart, do you thank them for checking you out and bagging your groceries? Or do you complain about Walmart getting everything from China and the cost? 

I have learned that if I show people that I am grateful for what they do for me, it brightens their day, and causes them to want to help me even more because someone shows them consideration and that they are valuable.  

I stopped at a service center once while traveling, and a young lady was attending the register. Standing at the next register was another lady. So when I got to the register, I said to the young lady, “Just think, you came to work today just for me.” It took her totally by surprise. I went on, “Just think about this for a moment, if you didn’t come to work for any other reason, you came for me. And I want you to know that I am so thankful that you were here to take care of me, because you have such a lovely smile, and you have taken good care of me.” The lady standing next to her said, “I wish that everyone who came in here would show us that kind of kindness.”  We ought to be thankful. Jesus said that how you want people to treat you is you do the same to them (my wording). So, when you eat that turkey leg and sweet potato pie with whip cream today, be thankful, and give thanks to both the cook and The Lord, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.


Sing: With my hands lifted up, and my mouth filled with praise, with a heart of thanksgiving, I will bless Thee O’ Lord. I will bless Thee O’ Lord, I will bless Thee O’ Lord; with a heart of thanksgiving, I will bless Thee O’ Lord.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving!


  1. I'm thankful that you are willing to share your wisdom with us each day. I value your teaching and apply it to my life. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving
