Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Morning Manna by Rufus Parker - 2024 July 9


“And the chief captain answered, With a great sum obtained I this freedom. And Paul said, But I was free born.” (Acts 22:28)

Today’s Morsel: Why do so many folks who say that they are born-again and free, yet they are living as thou they are still in bondage? There are millions who live in cites and townships in fear of others, and they will not reach 0ut to those living around them to try and help change them. They are afraid to even witness to them. You’ve been born in a free country, now go and help others who feel as though they are bound to become free. The captain told Paul that he had brought his freedom. But Paul told him that he was free born. In other words, Paul was probably born in a place that its citizens were free.  Somewhat like being born in America. It is a free country. And so, those which are born here would be seen as free born citizens.  However, millions today are still in bondage to others and the enemy of their soul. But if we can lead them to Jesus, they too can be free born and become citizens of heaven. That city whose builder and maker is God.  

Sing: Born-again, there has been a change in me. Born-again, just like Jesus said. Born-again and all because of Calvary, am so glad that I’ve been born-again.

Thought For Today: Live Free or die!

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