Friday, September 6, 2024

Morning Manna by Rufus Parker - 2024 September 6

Dishonesty Only Hurts You

“Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD.” (Proverbs 20:10)

Today’s Morsel: How much of what you are going through right now is of your own doing? I know that we often like to blame others for our circumstances and situations, but do we ever evaluate ourselves to see if what we are going through is of our own doing? Are you aware that if you are not honest with yourself, you won’t be honest with others? Some folks never consider that you are not honest with them, but you yourself know if you are or not. And you must live with it. When I take my vehicle in for repair, or If I must have someone come to my home to repair an appliance, I like to see the look on their faces when they say to me, this or that needs to be repaired and it’s going to cost you this much. I look them in their eyes and say, “You are the professional and I trust your integrity.” They may cheat me, but they must live with their sleepless nights and unhappiness, because of their dishonesty. Others may be dishonest to you here, but unless they repent, they will receive their reward.   

Sing: You’re my brother you’re my sister, so take me by the hand, together we will work until He comes. There’s no foe that can defeat us, when we’re walking side by side, for as long as there is love, we can stand.

Thought For Today: “And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer steward.” (Luke 16:2)

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