Thursday, February 6, 2025

Morning Manna by Rufus Parker - 2025 February 6

Stop Complaining

“That our oxen may be strong to labour; that there be no breaking in, nor going out; that there be no complaining in our streets.” (Psalms 144:14)

Today’s Morsel: Complaining seems to be running off the charts. Everyone seems to be complaining about something. No one seems to be happy and content anymore. Folks complain that they must get up and go to work for the very job that they applied for. They complain about their spouse and children that they wanted. They complain about the seat on the airplane being to small, even though they knew the size when they purchased their ticket. They complain about the traffic, the potholes in the road, and fast speeders. They complain about the restaurant food. I guess David’s prayer failed because there sure is a lot of complaining in our streets. Even the children of Israel complained all the way from deliverance to the Promised Land. they complained so much that it made God so angry that He overthrew them in the wilderness.  Complaining does not edify us nor anyone else. As a matter of fact, scripture tells us that when we complain we become overwhelmed. The manna and quail that God gave to Israel in the wilderness was not a blessing. It was to appease their complaining. If we are not careful, we may think that God is blessing us, when, He really may just be appeasing our complaining because He doesn’t want to zap us for doing it. So be careful what you are complaining about. God just might give it to you and it may cause you sickness as the quail did Israel. 

Sing: You know the Lord’s been good, He’s really been good, He’s been so good to me, I just can’t let Him down, I can’t let Him down; He’s been so good to me.

Thought For Today: “I remembered God, and was troubled: I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed. Selah.” (Psalms 77:3)

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