Friday, November 1, 2013

2013 November 1 - Morning Manna

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
Today's Morsel:I'm always amazed at the deer in the headlight look that some folks get when I tell them that I used to work for 50 cents an hour working in the hot fields. At the end of an eight hour day, I would only have made $4. And they say, "Yeah, but things were cheaper then." They fail to realize it was still hard work no matter how cheap things cost! I don't think some people understand the price tag for sin. Paul, thought that he was working for the Lord, only to find out he was working for Satan. After Paul's encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, he realized that the price tag was too costly. So many today are working for Satan and they haven't even stopped to consider it. People who create things that causes people to sin or are creating activities for people to sin, and thus they are working for Satan. When Satan entered into Judas' heart and caused him to betray Jesus for 30 piece of silver, Judas thought it was a good price. But when he realized out what he had done, and wanted to return his pay to his employer, the workers of Satan, the enemy of Christ, he found that he couldn't return it. Judas so soon realized that he had accepted death over life. What about you? Have you considered who will pay your wages when you die?
Sing: When He calls me I will answer, when He calls me, I will hear. When He calls me, I will answer, I'll be somewhere working for my Lord.
I'll be somewhere working! I'll be somewhere working! I'll be somewhere working for my Lord; I'll be somewhere working! I'll be somewhere working! I'll be somewhere working for my Lord.

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