Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Morning Manna by Rufus Parker - 14 April 2021



Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:(James 1:19)


Today’s Morsel:  When my wife and I were first missionaries and traveling in America for our deputation, we did not have GPS or cell phones.  We had to call pastors and get directions to their churches and the hotels that they were putting us in. So, when you got the pastor or the church secretary on the phone, you listened very carefully so that you got the information correct.  It has been stated that if people would listen to hear instead of listening to answer, there would be fewer arguments, fewer hurt feelings, fewer misunderstandings, and less murmuring and complaining.  Are you aware that none of us have all the answers?  What did you miss that was said because you were listening to answer instead of listening to hear?  It has been stated that in a conference of Christians, 85% of what is spoken is not heard because they feel that they have already heard it before.  James tells us to let every man be swift to hear and slow to speak.  Since the Gospel, the word of truth, is the means and instrument which God makes use of in regeneration, and in forming people for Himself, we ought to listen.  You cannot be a Christian and not listen.  God just might be speaking something for your good.

Sing:  I heard an old, old story, how a Savior came from glory.  How He gave His life on Calvary to save a wretch like me.  I heard about His groaning, of His precious blood’s atoning; then I repented of my sins and won the victory.

O, victory in Jesus, my Savior, forever.  He sought me and brought me with His redeeming blood.  He loved me ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him.  He plunged me to victory, Beneath the cleansing flood.   


Thought For Today: Ignorance is always the swift to speak.

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