Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Morning Manna by Rufus Parker - 22 December 2021


“And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.” (Luke 2:6)


Today’s Morsel:  Christmas time is often seen as a time of preparation.  It’s a time that many spend decorating and to reflect the season of love, joy, and peace.  Doing their very best to make it to Bethlehem before Mary delivered, Joseph probably had many thoughts running through his mind.  What if Mary delivered before they reached the city of Bethlehem?  What would he do, perhaps having no knowledge of how to deliver a baby?  How would he care for his new son?  How would he care for his wife? Would they reach the city and have time to find a place to stay? Would they have time to get their home ready and prepare a place for the new baby?  But no one was ready for the coming Messiah. There was no room in the inn, not even in the city it seemed.  Only a stable.  Some may ask shouldn’t God have prepared a place for His Son to be born?  Well, He did.  It was a stable and not a palace, even though He was the King of kings and Lord of lords.  It was a stable and not a house, even though He was greater than any house.  The stable represents filth.  Which represented the world and its ways.  Our God would dwell in this filth, but he would soon transition into a house, that represents our hearts.  Do you have room for Him?  Are you ready to receive Him into your home?   When you allow Him in, he will transform your life.  

Sing: O’ Holy child of Bethlehem, descend on us we pray; cast out our sins and enter in, be born in us today.

Thought For Today:  Behold He cometh!

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