Privileges Above
“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34)
Today’s Morsel: When a people
value their privileges above their principles, they soon lose both. We
must never allow what we think are our privileges to override our morals and
godly character. Solomon says that righteousness exalts a nation. When
governments offer their people privileges for votes instead of holding them to
a higher standard of godly character and moral living, that nation will soon
fall and its people with it. Sin is a shame to anyone. Where vices,
evil, and corruption reigns, and where iniquity abounds, profaneness, impiety, and immorality of all sorts
prevail, a people become mean and despicable; they fall into poverty and
contempt; are neither able to defend themselves, nor help their neighbors, and
so are despised by others. The
only way a nation can stand is if its people are righteous.
Sing: Aren’t you getting just a bit
tired of fooling around? You're trying to laugh your way through life,
but you are not gaining ground. Why not try the Lord today, just ask Him
in your heart to stay, and you'll find Jesus' love to be the best thing that you
ever found?
Jesus got a hold of my life and He won't let me go.
Jesus got into my heart, He got into my soul. I used to be oh so sad, but
now I’m happy, free and glad, because Jesus got a hold of my life and He won't
let me go.
Thought For Today: The only way a
nation can stand is if its people are righteous. (Parker)
Amen, just what the physician ordered...