Monday, June 24, 2019

Morning Manna by Rufus Parker - 24 June 2019

It’s All God’s

“The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” (Psalms 24:1)

Today’s Morsel:  How often do you go outside and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation?  They say the reason most people are ill is that they don’t play in the stuff called dirt that they were made from.  They say that parents yell at their kids for splashing in the water and mud when it rains, get mad at them when they pick up bugs and chase their siblings, eat mud pies, climb up in the trees, and chew weeds.  Think about it.  Why get angry when God made it for them to enjoy?  Maybe if adults did these things more, they would not be so depressed and stressed.  Go out and enjoy what God has created for us.  

Sing: He’s all I need! He’s all I need!  Jesus is all I need.  He satisfies, my needs He supply.  Jesus is all I need.

Thought For Today: Splashed in the water lately? 

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