Thursday, March 21, 2019

Morning Manna by Rufus Parker - 21 March 2019

When Everything Seems Against You

And Jacob their father said unto them, Me have ye bereaved of my children: Joseph is not, and Simeon is not, and ye will take Benjamin away: all these things are against me” (Genesis 42:36)

Today’s Morsel:  A man was repairing his motorcycle on his back porch.  After finishing the work, he got on it, kicked it into gear and ran right through his double sliding glass patio doors cutting himself badly.  His wife, who was in the kitchen, hearing the crash ran in to see what was wrong.  Seeing her husband on the floor badly hurt, she called 911.  The EMT responded and took him to the hospital.  Seeing the gas from the motorcycle on the floor, the wife grabbed some paper towels to clean it up.  She threw the paper towel in the toilet and forgot to flush them due when the phone rang.  The husband returned from the hospital and needed to use the bathroom.  Sadly he was a smoker. Soon, the wife hears an explosion and a scream.  She runs to the bathroom where she sees her husband's badly burned condition and so she summoned 911 again. When the EMT arrived, she told them what had happen.  As the EMT attendants were taking the man down the steps on the stretcher to the ambulance, one of the attendances began to laugh at what had just happened. He stumbles and drops the man off the stretcher down the steps.  How much more could happen to this poor guy in one day!   The moral of the story, so you think you may be having a bad day.  (A little humor to start our morning)  
 By all accounts, Jacob was having a bad day when he got the news that his son Simeon was taken by the Egyptians and put into prison.  And now knowing that they want Benjamin, Jacob said all this is against me. He was beginning to feel as though all the evil he was facing was because of something he had done.  He had lost Joseph, so he thought, he has lost Simeon and could soon lose Benjamin.  Are you facing a rough situation?  Do you feel as though your dilemma is because of something you’ve done wrong?  Well hang in there and let God show you what He’s up to as He did with Jacob.  Allow God to work all things together for your good.  

Sing: I trust in God, wherever I may be.  Upon the land or on the raging seas.  Though come what may, from day to day, my heavenly Father watches over, over, me.
I trust in God. I know He cares for me. On the mountain bleak, or the raging sea. Though billows roar. He keeps my soul, my Heavenly Father watches over, over me.

Thought For Today: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

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