Thursday, January 16, 2020

Morning Manna by Rufus Parker - 16 January 2020

The Cure

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” (Proverbs 17:22)

Today’s Morsel:  When is the last time you just stopped, sat and looked at yourself and your situation and just laughed.  Isn’t it amazing how much better you feel when you have been around people and all you did was laugh?  And every time you tried to stop laughing you laughed even more?  Then days after when you thought about what made you laugh so hard, you laughed some more.  I believe that God has given us the answer to our health problems.  Simply laugh more.  Do things that give you a merry heart.  Most people pray and ask God for a job, they get the job, then they are mad that they must go to work.   Or they dislike where they work.  If they would go to work and see it as fun and excitement, they might make a difference in their lives as well as someone else’s.  The devil can’t steal your joy, you must give it to him.  Notice, a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.  Maybe if we could get more people to be happy and excited about life, there would be less sickness and suffering.   Maybe it’s time we start listening to what God says in his word. Care to try?

Sing:  If you’re happy and you know it, say amen, say amen.  If  you’re happy and you know it, say amen, amen; cause when God’s spirit falls on you makes you shout hallelujah, if you’re happy and you know it, say amen.

Thought For Today: The devil can’t steal your joy, you have to give it to him.  

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