Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Morning Manna by Rufus Parker - 2018 May 2

“Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth, may Israel now say: Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me” (Psalms 129:1-2).

Today’s Morsel:  If someone were to ask you how many times God has shown His mercy to you and delivered you, what would be your answer?  So many times has He done things for us that we may not be aware of.  How many times has He kept your car on the road during a storm? How many times has He kept the plane in the air during your flight, or kept the train on the track?  How many times has He protected you from hurt, harm or danger? Just how many times?  How many times did He keep you from falling?  Feed you with good things?  Clothed you? Provided for you?  How many times?  How many times has He tried to show you that He loves you?  The Psalmist said, “How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee” (Psalms 139:17-18).  Have you considered how many times?

Sing:  So many of times, God has been so good to me.  So many of times, He has set the captives free.  So many of times, He’s shown His love to me. So many of times, He’s been good.

Thought For Today:  The one set of footprints were His carrying you.

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